Body acupuncture in combination with adequate diet and exercise has found to be effective for weight loss and also with the reduction of inflammatory reactions in the body.
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a common ailment in today’s society. Acupuncture can do a lot to alleviate it and improve its symptoms.
Acupuncture can be a source of long-term stress relief. There are a number of stressors that life can throw your way.
Last month, I hosted a seminar on mindful breathing at the Janati Yoga School in Kingston, Ontario. As an advocate for mindful breathing, I know that there is a strong connection between mindful breathing and acupuncture.
Menopause is a time of transition for women who also experience a wide range of unwanted symptoms. Such symptoms include migraines, insomnia, hot flashes, and mood swings.
It’s officially summertime and we couldn’t be happier to go out and make the most of this beautiful weather. Every day counts during this time of year.
Last month, I explained how Acupuncture can help asthma sufferers. Since asthma is a condition which is often experienced among children, I thought it would be helpful to explain how Acupuncture can be an appropriate form of treatment for kids who experience a wide range of conditions.
May is National Allergy and Asthma Awareness Month. Allergies and asthma tend to be at their peak season around this time of year.
Spring is finally here and for many people that means it’s time to get off the treadmill and start running outdoors.
Cosmetic acupuncture, also known as facial acupuncture can be a treatment for the whole body. Although the focus is on the face, you may be surprised to learn how cosmetic acupuncture can be a great head to toe treatment.